Wednesday, August 26
...and she lived happily ever after. The end.
Posted by Chelsea at 9:12 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 30
Dancin' in the Rain
Many times my younger brother can get on my last nerve, and he knows just which buttons to push to send me over the edge. Yes, I believe that both he and Chase (my older brother) have conducted thorough studies on what makes me tick and what ticks me off, because they are quite talented when it comes to the latter. But, then there are moments when I just have to laugh and smile and enjoy the moment…like today. Today I walked out of the shop, only to discover the supposed-to-be-hard-at-work Dalton, playing in the “mini river” that developed as a result of heavy thunderstorms this afternoon. He was intently focused on floating the empty Pringles can, carefully observing its every move. Simple things like that make him happy. I love how he’s still just a little boy at heart. In a way, I think we are all just little kids at heart, wrapped in some older person’s body. What is it about rainy days that make me wanna go jump in a puddle or feel the rain coat my skin as I dance in the street? Maybe I’m weird, but I feel like I still haven’t grown up. I mean, who wants to anyway? It’s way too fun being a kid. Just sayin’…
Posted by Chelsea at 5:37 PM 3 comments
Saturday, June 6
Ramblings at Odd Hours of the Morning
It is Saturday morning….4:30 am to be exact. And while I have no idea why I am up at such an odd time, I would like to share about what's been going on in life, as I have been a little reserved from blogging lately. These past couple weeks, I've been reading a very challenging book entitled Set Apart Femininity, written by Leslie Ludy. This book is a calling to my generation to step up and be the women of God that He has called us to be. Through reading, I have realized just how wimpy and lazy American Christianity has become. Instead of relying solely on Christ for happiness and fulfillment, we do "the Jesus thing" plus whatever else we feel will make us happy. We live in a constant state of mediocre, riding on the fence. Lukewarm, in complete honesty. Ludy reminds me, "We cannot love both Him and the things that charm and ravish the world. We cannot be dazzled by the images of pop culture and captivated by the King of all kings." It's one or the other. We are always wanting more from the world and our fleshly desires, instead of trusting Christ to do the very thing He promises to do for us- be our Everything, our Sustainer. We are supposed to look different, we are supposed to be radical, but the majority of us aren't. Non-Christians in the world look at us, many times, and see the very same characteristics they are harboring themselves. Why would they want to become a Christian, if they can just do their own thing instead of trying to juggle two things at once that still end up with the same result? I think a good point that she makes in this book is that God doesn't call just a select few to live a set-apart life for Him. He calls each and every one of us to lay down our own desires, shoulder the cross, and follow Him to the ends of the Earth. As I've contemplated over the many challenging statements and the general message of this book, Satan began working. He saw my potential and immediately began using my mind as a playground to toy with me and stir up doubt. I was so excited when first reading the book and wanted to immediately put the ideas into practice daily. Then came the questions: Isn't that a lot to give up? Is it really that important? Leslie Ludy is a little too radical with this whole idea…you are doing just fine in your faith. Look at everyone else- why not have a little fun your own way and live a "Christian" life? That is exactly what Satan wants from me- a settlement. A state of mediocre, lukewarm- that will cause my Savior to "spit me" out of His mouth. While Christ calls us to lives of excellence, Satan is hoping we give into the easy way. Honestly, I've been scared these past couple weeks. I've been scared that if I step out on faith and live radically…what will others think? Will it be worth it? A few times I've actually caught myself regretting that I read this book in the first place, like if I had never picked it up, it wouldn't be so heavy on my conscience. And through this all, I've realized that I normally care much more about what others think instead of what God thinks. That's just silly…I mean really, think about that. I'm saying that God, the eternal, everlasting God who created EVERYTHING in this entire universe and beyond- even the humans I'm trying to please- His approval isn't as important as the people's approval around me. Seriously? "Don't expect a round of human applause when you choose the set-apart life. But remember that in its place you will gain something far better- a standing ovation from Jesus Christ." Wow. My Savior, standing up, applauding me? Pleased with how I've chosen to live? Why in the world would I sacrifice that for the approval of people around me? Fear. Fear that was planted in my mind by the Devil. He tried to scare me out of surrender- a word that has haunted me for the past few weeks. But yesterday, I realized that God isn't a God of fear. In fact, He offers quite the opposite- complete peace. He doesn't want me to live a set apart life for no reason- He wants me to do so because He knows me intimately, and He knows that that is the only way I will ever be fulfilled and happy, by keeping Him first. That's how I was designed- that's why I was formed: to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Jesus loves me, this I know. Instead of running from Him at the sound of surrender, I should run to Him. For I know if I surrender my everything to Him, He will work in ways I never thought possible. The ordinary life is not for me. "Trust me, my child," He says. "Trust me with a fuller abandon than you ever have before. Trust me, as minute succeeds minute, every day of your life, for as long as you live. And if you become conscious of anything hindering our relationship, do not hurt Me by turning away from Me. Draw all the closer to Me, come, run to Me. Allow Me to hide you, to protect you, even from yourself. Tell Me your deepest cares, your every trouble. Trust Me to keep My hand upon you. I will never leave you. I will shape you, mold you, and perfect you. Do not fear, O child of My love, do not fear. I love you." (Amy Carmichael)
Posted by Chelsea at 5:50 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 18
I came home today and felt like just sitting down and playing my guitar, so I did. I brought it down to Fort Lauderdale with me for my last semester and picked it up every once in a while. Since I've been home, I haven't really devoted much time to playing, except for today. I opened my guitar case and got the tuner ready (because I knew it would need some fine tuning). Fine tuning….ha ha- that's an understatement. My guitar was so out of tune that the strings were registering under names that weren't even their own. Finding this quite humorous, I somehow drew this conclusion. Just as a musician tunes up a guitar, so God will tune me up and set me back on the right track. I might not get there right away and I might bounce back and forth before striking the right note, but I'll get there. My tuner? His word. I am just so thankful that I serve a God who is the Master Musician, who has created a beautiful song for my life. Forgive me, Father, for thinking my own music is better than yours. You can't tell a guitar is out of tune by simply looking at its appearance, you have to pick it up and play it. In the same way, people can hide how they feel and pretend to be something they aren't. It might look good, but oh boy, is it agonizing to the ears! When we are out of tune with Christ, we can never be as we were created, no matter how good we look on the outside. A guitar can look like a guitar, but if it is out of tune, it doesn't make music the way it was created to. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of the fake, American Christianity. I'm tired of people pretending that they have it all together when they are falling apart. Isn't that what the church is for- to help the broken? To restore peace to the restless? To give hope for the hopeless? Isn't that what Christianity is about in the first place??? Every Wednesday, every Sunday, when we join together should be an opportunity for us to minster to each other, pray for each other- keep each other accountable. I don't think once someone at church has asked me how my devotional life is going; on that same subject, I haven't really done that much either. Isn't that silly? When we greet each other on Sunday mornings, maybe we can ask if we need to pray for something instead of just the "Hey. How are you?" We know the answer we'll get from that one- "I'm fine, how about you?" (Oh-how original- lol). What if our church started acting like a church instead of a bunch of perfect people who were too busy to do what we were created to do? That might sound harsh, but that's what God laid on my heart. I'm just gonna say it right here- I don't have it all together, nor do I want to ever pretend so. But, Jesus can take my brokenness and use it, if I lay it at His feet. The little pieces that I have, He uses to create something amazing. For sure, I am a work in progress! We have to stop living a life that is content with "lukewarm Christianity," myself included. I know that if we all really tune in to what Christ has in store for us, we'll be much more effective in reaching the lost and ministering to fellow believers. God never used perfect people in the Bible. If He used people that didn't need His help, He wouldn't get the glory. Look all throughout the Bible and discover story after story of people that did the impossible because God was on their side. Then He gets the glory, instead of us. Let's stop being fake. Let's stop living safe. Tune into what God has- and prepare to live the most incredible musical melodies ever experienced (each one unique and captivating in its own way)! When people hear the music, they can't help but be moved and join in- and soon enough, this choir of believers will be worshipping the Lord of Lords in a land far, far away from hurt and pain and sorrow, and everything else the world throws at us. In fact, these things won't even be in view. Let the music begin! : )
Lately, I've been feeling so "out of tune." Not that moving back to Lake Placid was a bad thing, but it has definitely required a change of schedule. I talked a few weeks back about how God gave me new friendships in Fort Lauderdale to be more dependent upon Him instead of on others. You would think that after all that drama, I would have learned my lesson. Apparently not. These past few days, I've been more concerned with spending time with friends or doing my own thing to even give God the time of day. And while it breaks my heart, because I know that deep down it isn't what I want, I can't imagine how much it breaks His. Reminds me of the "How He Loves Us" song. Mrs. Denise mentioned on Sunday morning of the incredible, unconditional, unending, undying, and passionate love Jesus has for us. That I even have the audacity to simply "fit" God into my day instead of building it around Him is just insane!!!
It's like Paul wrote in Romans about doing what he didn't want and not doing what he did want to do (that might have sounded a little confusing, but see Romans 7:14-25). Imagine going into a relationship and pouring hours and days and weeks and months of time, energy, love, emotions, etc. And then imagine the person that you have devoted all this to, just ignoring each and every gesture of love you sent their way. It would be heart-breaking, absolutely heart-wrenching. I can't imagine how it would hurt; yet, I do it to my Creator…more often than once! I know this is just the Devil trying to get in the way of my growth in Christ, but this time, I'm going to recognize the enemy and do something about it.
Posted by Chelsea at 7:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 7
Last Day at the Club
This post comes a little late- after all this packing up, moving, unpacking, and getting adjusted to a new schedule. Just wanted to post these pictures from the Boys and Girls Club where I've been volunteering for this past semester (the second picture definitely tells the truth- lol). They have been working on a show called "The Mystery of Gachet," and have developed into quite the playwrights, actors, actresses, dancers, and vocalists. I'm sure their shows next Friday and Saturday will not disappoint! It was a great honor to be a part of their hard work for the past few months, and I look forward to working with them hopefully next year when I return to the Fort ; ).
Posted by Chelsea at 9:58 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 30
If These Walls Could Talk
So, today, when I was in the library (my newest point of inspiration, as you can tell from my last post), I started thinking about moving. And to tell you the truth, it's gonna be a bit hard. This might sound dumb, but I'll sort of miss Room 322-yeah, the one that can barely fit two people in it ; ). This is coming from the girl who was ready to call college quits and move home at the beginning of the year. Boy, have I come a long way! Even a few months ago, though I was finally used to it here, I was actually considering transferring. As I sit here today, I wonder, "What in the world was I thinkin'?" God has done so many amazing things in my life this year that I can't even begin to describe. Looking back, it's just so obvious that He was in every part. From sending me my angel roommate Shawn, to my amazing Mom who talked me through tough times on the phone, to even my church, Calvary Chapel, my story throughout this past school year is nothing but God-inspired. I have grown stronger and more deeply rooted in Christ, as I was separated from my closest girlfriends, who I typically relied on for support. Almost every night the first month or so, I would cry and cry and just pray for God to send me some friends like them. And He didn't. God didn't bless me with an amazing group of girls like my friends from Lake Placid. Though that was the desire of my heart, it was not the desire of His. He wished to see me stretch and build my faith, without being dependent on other people around me. He loved me too much to leave me the way I was. How grateful I am that God sees the big picture and knows what's best for me, even when I can't understand! Sure, I've met friends, but not engaging in the same type of relationships I had in Lake Placid. God called me outside of my box to meet people who needed to know who He was, and praise the Lord, my new friend Jean came to know Jesus. My roommate Shannon, well, we're still working on her ; ). Just the other night, my teammate from my Persuasion class (yes, there is a class on that. lol) had dinner at Quarterdeck with me; out of nowhere, she began asking about my faith and said she wanted to come to church with me. Unfortunately, she couldn't make it this week due to finals, but I will definitely be making a trip down here this summer to go with her! God is at work here in Fort Lauderdale, and what a blessing it is to be a part of his miraculous plan! Now, I see purpose in each day. I see purpose in every person that I run into. I finally realize that God orchestrates all this for a reason. I had always heard it, but never really lived it with conviction. Going into finals, I am so much more relaxed than I have ever been. Tina, a fellow LEAD 1 resident on my floor, said last night, "Why are you so peaceful? It's finals week, and you're not freaking out." No, Tina, I'm not. Because I have discovered a peace that surpasses all understanding, a peace that calms every worry and gives me a safe place to rest each and every moment. I know that I may face challenges, and quite often, challenges I can't handle. I have to pray through it and give it to God. It's all in His hands. When I really began believing that, it changed my life. When I really trusted that God allowed certain things to happen and other things not to happen, I was amazed. I used to stress out and get all agitated when things wouldn't work my way; but, now I know that if something doesn't happen, it is because God didn't want it to. Life just gets so much easier when you embrace that. I know Room 322 didn't actually change me, but the lessons I learned at the feet of my Savior here make it hard to leave. When I surrendered to the One who knew me intimately before I was even born, I learned that He was much more capable of taking care of me than I was capable of taking care of myself. I'm not gonna sugar coat it and say it was all easy- it was hard. But the reward? Oh my! God's love unleashed, His blessings pouring down like rain, His hand evident in every move…that is something I don't ever want to live again without. The knowledge that my Savior sustains me daily is more precious than any college lecture I could ever hear. If I could do it all over again, with the tears and the loneliness and the pain, would I? Absolutely, because I have never been more fulfilled or alive in my life. If these walls could talk, oh, what would they say, Of the college girl who lived here each and every day? Would they recount the first months of her endless tears, Or describe her confusion when faced with her fears? Would they laugh at silly memories that often were shared, Or tell of the routine that daily she fared? If these walls could talk, and tell a story in time, I believe that those listening would probably find… That in her tears, she saw Light that shined brighter than the sun, And in her fears, she found Refuge to where she could run. She found joy and happiness not on her own, But by trusting her Savior, who reigns on the throne. She found a love that soaked deep in the depths of her heart, And a God she could trust with her life, every part. But if these walls could talk- not even they could detail, Of the life that was altered day to day without fail. No, not even they could understand the depth, The importance of transformation occurring with each breath. 'Cause it's something she herself can barely, with words, capture, A story so God-like, beautiful promise from disaster. If these walls could talk, oh what would they say, Of the college girl who lived here each and every day?
Posted by Chelsea at 12:28 AM 8 comments
Sunday, April 26
ADD? Just a little…
So, I'm sitting here in the library trying to get my exam reviews done before the week starts. And I just can't focus, but I think for now, this is a good thing. Remember in my last post when I said you should check out Kim Walker's song? Scratch that- check out her whole CD (Here is My Song)! I just downloaded it a couple days ago, and I can't get any of the songs out of my head, especially the ones called "Spontaneous Song (insert number here)". There are five on the CD. The best one has a line that continues to ring in my heart "I am my Beloved's, and He is mine." Isn't that just crazy? I belong to Him- I belong. Yeah, maybe at this college, I'm not the "cool kid" or the "popular one," or "the best dressed," but I have a place to belong. And that is wrapped up securely in my Savior's arms. He is mine forever. And as soon as I hear that, an immediate smile beams on my face and I am filled up with uncontainable joy. I just wish more people could see the God I've seen lately- His love has taken over my life, and I will never be the same. Each day, I learn of His goodness and drink deep of His strength, trusting Him more and more. Each day, I yield a little bit more until finally, I am free of these burdens and dance the dance I've always dreamed. No, not the waltz or the tango or the foxtrot. I've always had this image of happiness- when I hear the word, I think of myself as a child in a white sundress, spinning in a tall field of grass with hands held high to the sky and my face directed towards the golden sun- relishing in the moment, and feeling the warmth radiate on my skin. It's an instant of complete and utter happiness and purity, where nothing else matters. "I am my Beloved's, and He is mine." Kim Walker captures exactly how I feel in her songs- I love the little nuggets of truth sprinkled in the simple lines. Just when I think I've got it, God reminds me of another promise that blows me away. Okay, well, back to studying I suppose- that is, if I can focus ; ).
Posted by Chelsea at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 17
He Loves Me
Gosh, do you ever have those days that it just hits you…it hits you how incredibly amazing and passionate God's love is for us? I go to a college group called Eikon on Wednesday nights at Calvary Chapel. This Wednesday, the worship leader spoke about how lately he's been feeling tired and worn out, and I could totally relate. And while he mentioned the worldly things that were weighing on him, he mainly spoke out about his realization that God is just so much bigger than we can fathom. He played this song acoustically, reminding us that we are broken people and that God can redeem our brokenness and make us whole. He can restore our strength.
God loves us. God loves me. Every word in those sentences is important.
God- the creator of the universe, the holy, set-apart, sovereign, all-powerful, all-knowing, God. Loves- not with a human love that is changing, but with a love so incomprehensible and deep that it is almost too good to be true (praise the Lord it isn't!) Me- He loves me? He loves me! Me…a sinner, a fallen human being who so often gets caught up in my own little world that I forget that my Redeemer, my First Love is calling out to the depths of my soul and will move heaven and Earth to show His great love for ME! And for you. Do we forget that? Do we forget that in the midst of our pain, our trials, our weakness, He loves us, and that's really all that matters. This song that they played on Wednesday night is absolutely amazing- He loves us. Let's embrace it and live our lives reflecting that very fact. It's the core of the Christian faith- God's perfect, unfailing, sweet, sweet love for us. I don't think I'll ever get over it-gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. My favorite version of the song is by Kim Walker and it's called "How He Loves." You will definitely want to check it out on iTunes to purchase- trust me, once you hear it, you will be addicted!
He is jealous for me,
Love's like a hurricane,
I am a tree, bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful You are and how great Your affections are for me.
And oh, how He loves us so, oh, how He loves us, how He loves us so.
He loves us, oh, how He loves us, oh, how He loves us, oh, how He loves!!!!!!!!
Yeah, He loves us, oh how He loves us, oh, how He loves us, oh, how He loves!!!!!
We are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes.
If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking.
So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss (we sing "and reminds us we're His" at Eikon),
And my heart turns violently inside my chest,
I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way….
He loves us so, oh, how He loves us, how He loves us so.
He loves us, oh, how He loves us, oh, how He loves us, oh, how He loves!!!!!!!!
Yeah, He loves us, oh how He loves us, oh, how He loves us, oh, how He loves!!!!!
P.S. Mr Keith, this would be a great song to incorporate in worship one weekend, like one weekend when I'm home...starting two or three weeks from now *hint* hint* pressure though! : )
Posted by Chelsea at 12:09 PM 7 comments
Monday, April 13
Hollywood, Here I Come...maybe?
Last week was exciting, way too busy, and a lot of fun all wrapped into one! I auditioned for a part in a local series called "Hall Pass," a program designed to prepare middle and high schoolers for life. As they called it, "reality TV with a learning curve." ; ) My roomie, Shawn, emailed me the casting call, and I debated whether I should go. I had so much to do and, like I said all week, "not enough time to do it all." But, nonetheless, I figured- why not? If I didn't grab the opportunity, I would have always wondered what could have happened. So, I decided to see for myself. Before I went in to audition, I prayed that God would use me if this is what He wanted, and if not, I knew He had other plans for my life. On Tuesday night, I received a "call back" for Thursday afternoon. I started studying the script and practicing my lines. I got there just in time (class kept me later than expected) and was actually the last of the final six to audition. The set was so neat- like something you see on TV, complete with the "green room" for animation effects and huge cameras and lights. I was like a kid in a candy shop- acting "Hollywood" for a few minutes of fun. The audition went awesome and the producer and camera people were all so friendly and encouraging. They made me feel right at home. And now, for the results (DRUMROLL PLEASE!)...............................................................................................................I didn't get the part. Yeah, maybe not what you expected or wanted to hear, but moral of the story: "Carpe diem!" Just cause I didn't end up on top, doesn't mean I didn't learn a few things and have a good time on my short journey as a red carpet starlet (lol). So, do something today that you wouldn't normally do- life's too short to live the same day twice!
Posted by Chelsea at 10:24 PM 7 comments
Monday, April 6
Friday, April 3
Those Were the Days
I remember the bliss…of spinning in my dad's arms as we danced in the living room to blaring Jimmy Buffet music. I would get so excited when he'd dip me down- that was my favorite part. And I remember the dreams…the dreams I had as a five-year old, ready to take on the world. Nothing was too big to accomplish, and no task so small that it didn't seem significant in my eyes. I remember the play…the 24/7 all out fun and games (even at school, I considered each task a joy). I also remember the friends…my "cool girls club" (yep- that was the name) that I played with during recess. And I remember Mac n' Cheese with Lil' Smokies, my favorite dinner entrée cooked by the one and only gourmet chef I'd ever known, who was pretty as a jewel and knew the answer for every question that popped in my head. And at that time, in those moments, I didn't realize that those would be the memories I would cherish forever. Those were the days- the days I longed to "grow up" and pursue my dreams- to move on to bigger and better things. It was "fun" being a little kid, but I wanted to be a big girl in high school. Then I became that girl in high school who also made great friends and memories, but my mind was focused on heading off to college. And now, here I am, longing for something else. You see? Each time, I want…I want exactly what I don't have at the moment. And each time I get whatever it is I wanted, I want something more or something different. Do you ever look back and wish you could somehow be whisked away in a time machine? I know I do, and today is one of those days. School has been so hectic and stressful lately, and too many things are starting to get to me. It seems like with each task I complete, 15 more are added to it. And while I'm here trying to sort everything out and get my mind refocused, I am still longing for those summer days of first grade where the biggest concern was what flavor popsicle I would get after a leisurely splash in the lake or a run through the sprinklers. Yes, those were the days. I can't help but wonder if later on, say ten years from now, I will want to be transported back to this season in my life, a season focused on finishing college and pursuing the career I've been working towards. That is the whole point, right? As I reflect on the past, I realize that I am never satisfied, and that with each accomplishment, I am only pushing on towards another goal. While I believe it's important to set goals and work towards them, I also believe that I often get too caught up in it all. Sometimes we all just need to take a big, deep breath and enjoy the moment- the here and now. If we keep looking at the grass that's greener on the other side, we'll miss the beauty of the nature around us. It's so easy to say, but so much harder to do. Lately, I've really been questioning what God's purpose is for me here on earth. I know that I am supposed to enjoy Him and glorify Him forever, but what is my specific purpose? What does He want me to do? Because if all these dreams I'm chasing are dreams of my own, they will never satisfy- they will never be enough. But, if I am living in the perfect will of my Father, I will be whole and complete- and my soul will find rest. And, as I close this out, I have to bring it back to being a kid. Why was I so happy? Why was it so easy to not care what others thought? Some might say it's because of the lack of responsibility, others might say it's due to the lack of worldly awareness of what's going on. And while I agree with those in part, I can't help but wonder if it's because we were doing exactly what God created us to do. We weren't caring about the specific details of the future, about our status, about our body image, about our job, or our schooling. We were just being ourselves- God's little creations filled with joy and wonder at the amazement of life and His creation around us. Maybe we can be transported back to those times. Maybe those were the days that were supposed to set a pattern for the rest of our lives, where each morning was a new opportunity to discover and relish in astonishment, and where the cares of the world didn't affect us because we knew they were in someone else's hands, someone else we trusted very much. I may not be five years old anymore, with a popsicle smile and baby fat protruding out of my swimsuit, but I am still a kid. I'm a daughter of God, who shouldn't have to worry about the present or the future, because it's all in His hands…which is why I am planning a beach trip tomorrow- me, God, and the great, vast ocean. I'm just gonna breathe and remember that He's got everything under control. I won't be longing for the good ol' days, but living in the beautiful reality of the present.
Posted by Chelsea at 2:21 PM 5 comments
Thursday, March 26
Daughters of the King
In the little town of Lake Placid, there lived many beautiful princesses, who were all invited to celebrate the joy of life and the beauty of uniquness with a breakfast, storytime, dancing, and even Prince Charming! Of course, it wasn't a royal affair without proper attire- from sparkly tiaras and crowns to fancy dresses, the girls were ready for a morning to remember! Each of the lovely princesses was introduced by a trumpeting sound, with Prince Charming announcing their name, favorite royal color, and favorite activity. Looking cute as usual, they posed for a quick picture then headed to their table to mingle with other royalty. The best part of the morning was listening to Queen Norris : ) read Gigi, God's Little Princess. It reminded us all that no matter how many bad hair days or bad attitude days we have, God loves us just the way we are.
Even for a "big girl" princess, I was reminded a lot that day. Getting ready for appearances, I normally get frustrated with my hair or makeup or outfit- or all three together. It is such an incredible promise that God loves us no matter what. So next time you pick on yourself for those freckles, or that body, or your frizzy, curly hair (that one's for me), remember that you are God's masterpiece! Just like a famous artist who turns a blank canvas into something incredible, God is shaping you each day into the beautiful creation you were intended to be. And I don't know how happy an artist would be if his canvas said, "Hey- don't you think I look a little ridiculous? I mean, come on, I need more color here. And that curve is just yuk! Totally wrong. Plus, this isn't how I'm supposed to look- I need to look like all the other famous paintings." Hmm...who do you think knows more, the canvas or the artist? Let's stop stressin' over the little stuff and embrace our uniquenesses, each and every one. True beauty radiates in the face of one who is passionately in love with her Savior, for being a daughter of the King is the greatest joy of all.
"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow- not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below- indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39
Posted by Chelsea at 9:13 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 25
Photo Competition
With one of the photographers and her picture on the left.
Last week, I had the awesome opportunity to serve as a judge for a digital photography competition, held at the Admiral's Boys and Girls Club right down the street from my college. Figuring it wouldn't be too hard to do, I headed down in between classes with a good hour and a half to knock it out. Little did I know how difficult of a competition this would be to judge! After walking through the gallery several times and scoring many of the pieces, I still had many more to go and it was already class was at 6:00. Walking in heels across campus to make it there in time was definitely a work-out in and of itself : ) I talked with the director, Jill, and she said I could head back after class and finish up the scoring. The pictures were amazing- and the creativity of the photographers was unbelievable! It was so great to see how kids, at even five years old, learned how to capture a great picture. I wish I would have taken pictures of the pictures to show you all, but that might have been considered, you'll just have to trust me on this one! I always love to see how a simple object or landscape can be transformed into an artistic piece of work. Needless to say, I left truly inspired and encouraged, to really consider the beauty of the world around me instead of just passing it by at a glance.
Posted by Chelsea at 11:51 PM 1 comments
What if tomorrow you woke up and everything you had was gone? I don't know why this keeps crossing my mind lately, maybe because of the economic crisis. But, seriously, if you woke up and all that was there was you? Would it be enough…would you relying on Jesus be enough? All too often I think it's easy to say that we trust God with our life, but do we? I am preachin' to the choir, because I know for sure I am definitely guilty of this. I give lip service to God, telling Him that I trust Him and His grace is enough, but I feel that my life doesn't demonstrate the very thing I'm saying to God. Sure, it's easy to tell God you trust Him (and maybe you do), but do you trust Him with EVERYTHING IN YOU? For shelter, for income, for love? For better, for worse? Richer or poorer? Yes, this is starting to sound like marriage vows, because it is. The church is the Bride of Christ, the body of believers that is supposed to be faithful to the very end, persevering no matter what comes our way. The Bridegroom wants to know that we depend upon Him- he wants us to remember that if everything else falls apart and if the material things of this world shatter to pieces, that we won't crumble with them. We will stand strong, remembering that the very God who "knit us together in our mother's womb" is more than capable of providing for our every need. Automatically, the story of Job pops up in my head when I hear about losing everything. I'm sure you've heard the story of a guy totally committed to His Savior, yet God takes everything he has away from him. The beautiful thing about this story is that Job didn't give up- he didn't crumble with the rest of his material world. He wasn't concerned with knowing the why, but the who. He recognized God's power and stood strong, praising Him to the end, saying "I came naked from my mother's womb, and I will be stripped of everything when I die. The Lord gave me everything I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!" (Job 1:21). WOW! Wow, wow. I don't know about you, but that is real- that's the kind of radical love that God wants from us. He is a jealous God, who has chosen us to be His special treasures among all things in creation. He wants us, all of us, no matter what (whoa- that was a line from The Notebook…good movie). Anyway, this is serious stuff and I can't tell you how hard this hit home for me. If everything was gone, would Jesus be enough? God doesn't want a bunch of lip service- He wants life service. And that's what I'm gonna try to give Him. He is enough- I just have to live like my life as if it depends upon that fact, because it does. "Enjoy prosperity while you can. But when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. That way, you will realize that nothing is certain in this life." Ecclesiastes 7:14 "I have chosen to be faithful; I have determined to live by your laws. I cling to your decrees. Lord, don't let me be put to shame! If you will help me, I will run to follow your commands. Teach me, O Lord, to follow every one of your principles. Give me understanding and I will obey your law; I will put it into practice with all my heart. Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found. Give me an eagerness for your decrees; do not inflict me with love for money! Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word." Psalm 119:30-37
Posted by Chelsea at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17
So You Had a Bad Day...
Today is one of those days when I woke up and just knew I would be productive. I had a to do list set out and was ready to conquer it by the end. It seems that those plans are pretty much destroyed- everytime I attempt to check an item off my list, something gets in the way. Big, doesn't matter, it gets in the way of getting my stuff done. And as I sit here after lunch, about to go to class, I realized. Is that all today was meant to be? Maybe God's trying to teach me something here- is everyday at college just another day to check off a to do list and feel like I've accomplished something? I don't think that's what He had in mind. Maybe those setbacks were meant to build my character, encourage someone else, or share His love. What if those setbacks were the difference between someone knowing Jesus or not? If they are, I shouldn't be frustrated or caught up in "making a list and checking it twice." Jesus doesn't care how much I get done here on Earth if it doesn't glorify Him in the process. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says "Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of the Lord." I can use even the setbacks of each day to proclaim His glory, which is exactly what I'll be doing this second half of March 17, 2009! On a lighter note...thought this comic was somewhat appropriate for a bad day- maybe you'll get a kick out of it like I did! Just when we think we have it bad...we have to remember to be thankful! : )
Posted by Chelsea at 1:52 PM 3 comments
Sunday, March 15
Posted by Chelsea at 5:24 PM 1 comments
Miss Broward County Pageant
Four new titleholders were crowned last night for Broward County right here on the Nova Southeastern campus! Lucky for me, I just walked to the pageant. I was excited about seeing the show, but didn't really want to go alone. The funny thing I discovered is that not many people enjoy going to pageants, so I was forced to go all by my lonesome. I was standing in the lobby waiting for the doors to open when to my great surprise, I saw my Florida sister queen (Mrs. Florida 2007) Monica Speer walk in. I screamed her name and went running for a hug- it was sooo good to see her! After settling into our seats, we immediately became busy trying to pick winners and our favorite dresses- pageants are much more fun with a good friend! I think there were around nineteen girls that competed in all, vying for the crowns- Miss Broward County, Miss Fort Lauderdale Riverwalk, Miss Florida Everglades, and Miss Broward County's Outstanding Teen. The emcee was Scott (can't remember his last name), the weatherman for the local Channel 10 station. He was HILARIOUS- we were laughing the whole pageant through- by far, one of the best emcees I have ever listened to! The pageant was pretty long and we were all very hungry, so we met at Ruby Tuesday's for dinner- what a way to end the night! Mini burgers and French fries never tasted so good- I mean, what wouldn't with the incredible company I had ; ).
Posted by Chelsea at 4:52 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 22
Posted by Chelsea at 11:24 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 17
Sallarulo's 5K Run
Sunday started off bright and early for me! After getting ready, I headed to the Miniaci Performing Arts Center on campus at 7:30 to help with the 5K run, benefitting Special Olympics of Broward County. I didn't actually participate in the run, due to a bad, I sound old when I say that! Instead, I presented sponsorship awards, medals, and handshakes of congratulations to all the excellent athletes that participated. I had the privilege of meeting Miami Dolphins player Jason Smiley, who is soooo tall. It's not often that I find people who intimidate me when it comes to height (I'm about 5'9")...he was an exception! Mr. Don Taft was also there, who is a major supporter for Nova Southeastern and for the Special Olympics in Broward. That morning, he gave the chairty $500,000 to use towards a new sports building! He was just as sweet as he was generous- when I was leaving, I walked over to say goodbye to him. I went to shake his hand, then realized his hands were full of awards and miscellaneous items. After telling him to not worry about it, he insisted on setting everything down and giving me a kiss on the hand : ) Meeting the athletes who participate in Special Olympics was also a treat- they were all so friendly and lovable- definitely inspiring to say the least! Enjoy the pics....DISCLAIMER: Hair was under terrible weather conditions- fog as thick as a forest when I walked out of my dorm. Let's just say, next time, I'll remember to check the weather report before deciding on a embarrassing!
I even got a gold medal for helping!
Justin Smiley, #65 for the Miami Dolphins
Posted by Chelsea at 10:10 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 11
A "Dramatic" Night
After class yesterday, I headed out to the Boys and Girls Club Performing Arts Center once again...but this time, I wasn't just the emcee for the evening, I was an active participant in the making of the Spring Showcase. It was very exciting to see how the whole process evolves- I kind of came in a few weeks late, but they forgave me : ). The kids have been developing a plot and have learned all the terms necessary to be successful playwrights! I even learned some new vocab myself. We also ran some scripts- lucky me, I was Santa Claus in my group. Needless to say, I definitely should brush up on my acting skills- or get some to begin with! lol. It's great to see how involved the kids are in the actual production- from writing the play, to rehearsing, to acting- they have their work cut out, but I know they'll do a great job! I'll be helping every Tuesday night, so I might even pick up a few tips, too. My favorite part of the night was when I discovered my "Angel Note" on the board. Mrs. Michelle, the director for the club, encourages the students to write positive and motivating notes to each other on the board. When she told me I had one, I was so happy! I didn't see a name on who wrote it, but it said something to this effect: "Chelsea, I am so excitied that you will be helping us this year. You seem like a very nice person. I can't wait to see you more often." What a way to end the night- I love it!
Posted by Chelsea at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3
Where the Skies Are So Blue...
Posted by Chelsea at 5:48 PM 0 comments